Chip 2005 June
Fruity Soundfont Player.dll
Text File
575 lines
object SynthEditorForm: TSynthEditorForm
Left = 206
Top = 115
BorderIcons = []
BorderStyle = bsSingle
Caption = 'SynthForm'
ClientHeight = 240
ClientWidth = 241
Color = clBlack
Font.Color = clWindowText
Font.Height = -11
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
Font.Style = []
OldCreateOrder = True
Position = poDefault
Scaled = False
OnCreate = FormCreate
PixelsPerInch = 96
TextHeight = 13
object SynthPanel: TWPControl
Left = 0
Top = 0
Width = 241
Height = 240
Align = alClient
Color = 5452845
ParentColor = False
ParentShowHint = True
object OpenBtn: TQuickBtn
Tag = -1
Left = 4
Top = 4
Width = 31
Height = 23
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|Open SoundFont...'
ParentColor = False
Color = 6709335
ShowHint = True
ParentShowHint = False
Options = [tbHasDownGlyph, tbAutoSize]
AccelKey = 0
Glyph.ILCount = 2
BmpList = SynthResModule.BtnIL
OnClick = OpenBtnClick
StayDown = False
object PatchSelect: TDigiWheel
Left = 7
Top = 43
Width = 25
Height = 16
Cursor = crSizeNS
Hint = '|^b^aPatch number'
Options = [wwAutoSize, wwIncMode]
MoveSpeed = 6
SlowMotionDiv = 4
Min = 1
Max = 256
Value = 1
DefaultValue = 1
OnChange = CutoffWheelChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 3
HotSideY = 6
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
Color = clNone
Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET
Font.Color = 13025463
Font.Height = -11
Font.Name = 'Arial'
Font.Style = []
BmpList = SynthResModule.Digits11IL
NullValue = 0
object SFNameLabel: TQuickBtn
Tag = -1
Left = 41
Top = 8
Width = 162
Height = 11
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|Soundfont name'
ParentFont = False
ParentColor = True
Font.Color = 14079423
Font.Height = -9
Font.Name = 'Fruity Fonts'
Font.Style = []
Caption = 'Name'
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.SFListMenu
Options = [tbTrashGlyph, tbAutoSize, tbTransparent, tbHighlight]
Style = FS_Transparent
Spacing = 0
TextAlign = ttaLeft
AccelKey = 0
StayDown = False
PopupAlign = Popup_Bottom
PopupButton = mbLeft
BeforePopup = SFNameLabelBeforePopup
object PatchNameLabel: TQuickLabel
Left = 71
Top = 45
Width = 162
Height = 11
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|Patch name'
Options = [loTransparent, loEndEllipsis]
Caption = 'Name'
Font.Color = 15461076
Font.Height = -9
Font.Name = 'Fruity Fonts'
Font.Style = [fsBold]
ParentFont = False
OnClick = PatchNameLabelClick
object RevSendSelect: TDigiWheel
Tag = -2
Left = 60
Top = 86
Width = 18
Height = 16
Cursor = crSizeNS
Hint = '|Send reverb to effect track number'
Options = [wwAutoSize, wwIncMode]
MoveSpeed = 2
SlowMotionDiv = 4
Max = 0
DefaultValue = 0
OnChange = RevSendSelectChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 3
HotSideY = 6
Color = clNone
Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET
Font.Color = 13025463
Font.Height = -11
Font.Name = 'Arial'
Font.Style = []
BmpList = SynthResModule.Digits11IL
NumDigits = 2
NullValue = 0
object ChorSendSelect: TDigiWheel
Tag = -1
Left = 179
Top = 86
Width = 18
Height = 16
Cursor = crSizeNS
Hint = '|Send chorus to effect track number'
Options = [wwAutoSize, wwIncMode]
MoveSpeed = 2
SlowMotionDiv = 4
Max = 0
DefaultValue = 0
OnChange = RevSendSelectChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 3
HotSideY = 6
Color = clNone
Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET
Font.Color = 13025463
Font.Height = -11
Font.Name = 'Arial'
Font.Style = []
BmpList = SynthResModule.Digits11IL
NumDigits = 2
NullValue = 0
object BankSelect: TDigiWheel
Tag = 1
Left = 37
Top = 43
Width = 25
Height = 16
Cursor = crSizeNS
Hint = '|^b^aBank number'
Options = [wwAutoSize, wwIncMode]
MoveSpeed = 6
SlowMotionDiv = 4
Max = 127
DefaultValue = 0
OnChange = CutoffWheelChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 3
HotSideY = 6
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
Color = clNone
Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET
Font.Color = 13025463
Font.Height = -11
Font.Name = 'Arial'
Font.Style = []
BmpList = SynthResModule.Digits11IL
object EditBtn: TQuickBtn
Tag = -1
Left = 206
Top = 4
Width = 31
Height = 23
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|Edit SoundFont...'
ParentColor = False
Color = 6709335
ShowHint = True
ParentShowHint = False
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.EditMenu
Options = [tbHasDownGlyph]
AccelKey = 0
Glyph.ILCount = 2
BmpList = SynthResModule.BtnIL
ILIndex = 2
OnClick = EditBtnClick
StayDown = False
PopupAlign = Popup_Normal
object RevUseBtn: TQuickBtn
Tag = -2
Left = 5
Top = 107
Width = 54
Height = 11
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|Enable built-in reverb'
ParentFont = False
ParentColor = True
Font.Color = clSilver
Font.Height = -11
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
Font.Style = []
Options = [tbDirectClick, tbHasDownGlyph, tbTrashGlyph, tbTransparent]
Style = FS_Transparent
Spacing = 4
TextAlign = ttaRight
AccelKey = 0
FXType = FX_Blend
BmpList = SynthResModule.LEDIL
OnClick = RevUseBtnClick
PopupAlign = Popup_Normal
object ChorUseBtn: TQuickBtn
Tag = -1
Left = 124
Top = 107
Width = 54
Height = 11
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|Enable built-in chorus'
ParentFont = False
ParentColor = True
Font.Color = clSilver
Font.Height = -11
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
Font.Style = []
Options = [tbDirectClick, tbHasDownGlyph, tbTrashGlyph, tbTransparent]
Style = FS_Transparent
Spacing = 4
TextAlign = ttaRight
AccelKey = 0
FXType = FX_Blend
BmpList = SynthResModule.LEDIL
OnClick = RevUseBtnClick
PopupAlign = Popup_Normal
object LFO2DelayWheel: TLineWheel
Tag = 9
Left = 135
Top = 145
Width = 17
Height = 17
Hint = '|^b^aLFO 2 predelay'
Options = [wwBigLine]
MoveSpeed = 256
SlowMotionDiv = 16
Min = -1
Max = 5900
Value = -1
DefaultValue = -1
OnChange = CutoffWheelChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 10
HotSideY = 10
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
StartOffset = 0.100000001490116100
LineColor = 12961206
LinePressedColor = 16624
LineThickness = 1
object Env2AttackWheel: TQuickSlider
Tag = 5
Left = 14
Top = 133
Width = 18
Height = 57
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|^b^aEnv 2 attack time'
MoveSpeed = 256
SlowMotionDiv = 16
Min = -1
Max = 5940
Value = -1
DefaultValue = -1
OnChange = CutoffWheelChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 4
HotSideY = 6
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
BmpList = SynthResModule.VSliderIL
object HQBtn: TQuickBtn
Tag = -2
Left = 1
Top = 227
Width = 79
Height = 11
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|High quality rendering (slow, not realtime)'
ParentFont = False
ParentColor = True
Font.Color = clSilver
Font.Height = -11
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
Font.Style = []
Options = [tbDirectClick, tbHasDownGlyph, tbTrashGlyph, tbTransparent]
Style = FS_Transparent
Spacing = 4
TextAlign = ttaRight
AccelKey = 0
FXType = FX_Blend
BmpList = SynthResModule.LEDIL
OnClick = HQBtnClick
PopupAlign = Popup_Normal
object ChorAmpWheel: TLineWheel
Tag = 3
Left = 210
Top = 87
Width = 15
Height = 15
Hint = '|^b^aChorus send level (multiplier)'
Options = [wwBigLine, wwPause]
MoveSpeed = 16
SlowMotionDiv = 4
Max = 256
Value = 128
DefaultValue = 128
OnChange = CutoffWheelChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 10
HotSideY = 10
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
StartOffset = 0.100000001490116100
LineColor = 12961206
LinePressedColor = 16624
LineThickness = 1
OnAdjustColor = RevAmpWheelAdjustColor
object RevAmpWheel: TLineWheel
Tag = 2
Left = 91
Top = 87
Width = 15
Height = 15
Hint = '|^b^aReverb send level (multiplier)'
Options = [wwBigLine, wwPause]
MoveSpeed = 16
SlowMotionDiv = 4
Max = 256
Value = 128
DefaultValue = 128
OnChange = CutoffWheelChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 10
HotSideY = 10
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
StartOffset = 0.100000001490116100
LineColor = 12961206
LinePressedColor = 16624
LineThickness = 1
OnAdjustColor = RevAmpWheelAdjustColor
object LFO2DepthWheel: TLineWheel
Tag = 10
Left = 171
Top = 145
Width = 17
Height = 17
Hint = '|^b^aLFO 2 amount'
Options = [wwBigLine]
MoveSpeed = 16
SlowMotionDiv = 4
Min = -128
Max = 127
Value = -128
DefaultValue = -128
OnChange = CutoffWheelChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 10
HotSideY = 10
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
StartOffset = 0.100000001490116100
LineColor = 12961206
LinePressedColor = 16624
LineThickness = 1
object LFO2FreqWheel: TLineWheel
Tag = 11
Left = 207
Top = 145
Width = 17
Height = 17
Hint = '|^b^aLFO 2 speed'
Options = [wwBigLine]
MoveSpeed = 8
SlowMotionDiv = 4
Min = -1
Max = 127
Value = -1
DefaultValue = -1
OnChange = CutoffWheelChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 10
HotSideY = 10
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
StartOffset = 0.100000001490116100
LineColor = 12961206
LinePressedColor = 16624
LineThickness = 1
object FCutWheel: TLineWheel
Tag = 12
Left = 171
Top = 201
Width = 17
Height = 17
Hint = '|^b^aInitial filter cutoff'
Options = [wwBigLine]
MoveSpeed = 8
SlowMotionDiv = 4
Min = -1
Max = 127
Value = -1
DefaultValue = -1
OnChange = CutoffWheelChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 10
HotSideY = 10
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
StartOffset = 0.100000001490116100
LineColor = 12961206
LinePressedColor = 16624
LineThickness = 1
object Env2DecWheel: TQuickSlider
Tag = 6
Left = 39
Top = 133
Width = 18
Height = 57
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|^b^aEnv 2 decay time'
MoveSpeed = 256
SlowMotionDiv = 16
Min = -1
Max = 5940
Value = -1
DefaultValue = -1
OnChange = CutoffWheelChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 4
HotSideY = 6
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
BmpList = SynthResModule.VSliderIL
object Env2SusWheel: TQuickSlider
Tag = 7
Left = 64
Top = 133
Width = 18
Height = 57
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|^b^aEnv 2 sustain level'
MoveSpeed = 8
SlowMotionDiv = 4
Min = -1
Max = 127
Value = -1
DefaultValue = -1
OnChange = CutoffWheelChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 4
HotSideY = 6
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
BmpList = SynthResModule.VSliderIL
object Env2RelWheel: TQuickSlider
Tag = 8
Left = 89
Top = 133
Width = 18
Height = 57
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|^b^aEnv 2 release time'
MoveSpeed = 256
SlowMotionDiv = 16
Min = -1
Max = 5940
Value = -1
DefaultValue = -1
OnChange = CutoffWheelChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 4
HotSideY = 6
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
BmpList = SynthResModule.VSliderIL
object LogoBtn: TQuickBtn
Tag = -1
Left = 2
Top = 206
Width = 112
Height = 19
Hint = '|^^www.livesynth.com^'
ParentFont = False
ParentColor = False
Color = 6709335
Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET
Font.Color = 13025463
Font.Height = -9
Font.Name = 'Fruity fonts'
Font.Style = []
Options = [tbDirectClick, tbHasOnOverGlyph, tbAutoSize]
AccelKey = 0
FXType = FX_Blend
FXWhen = FX_OnOver
FXAttack = 8
FXRelease = 8
Glyph.ILCount = 2
BmpList = SynthResModule.LogoIL
StayDown = False
object ModWheel: TLineWheel
Tag = 4
Left = 207
Top = 201
Width = 17
Height = 17
Hint = '|^b^aModulation'
Options = [wwBigLine]
MoveSpeed = 8
SlowMotionDiv = 4
Max = 127
DefaultValue = 0
OnChange = CutoffWheelChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 10
HotSideY = 10
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
StartOffset = 0.100000001490116100
LineColor = 12961206
LinePressedColor = 16624
LineThickness = 1